
Monday, January 21, 2008

Healing and spiritual beliefs: Gems, crystals, and magnetic jewelry

Magnetic jewelry
Magnetic jewelry has experienced a major resurgence in popularity, especially among athletes and alternative health practitioners. Magnetic energy is believed to induce a calming effect, and to increase blood and oxygen flow.

Some adherents believe bio-magnetic energy can cure a wide variety of ailments, from chronic pain to cancer. Magnet therapy has been practiced since ancient times. The Greeks and Egyptians studied the benefits of permanent magnets as long as 4,000 years ago, and a 2000 BC Chinese text details the beneficial results of magnets on acupuncture points.Gems & crystals: healing and spiritual beliefsAround the world, throughout history, people from nearly all cultures have believed that some gemstones and crystals held spiritual and healing powers.

The study of such spiritual and healing powers remains strong in countries such as India, where proponents believe that certain gems and crystals, brought in contact with the seven chakra points of the body, can help release clogged and unhealthy energy, freeing the body of imbalances both mental and physical. These beliefs have also gained a considerable following among many New Age adherents, who have brought these East Indian traditions to spiritual and alternative healing centers around the world.Adherents believe that crystals heal through vibrational powers.

There are examples within the realm of science that might lend credence to these beliefs. For example, piezoelectric quartz crystals are commonly used as oscillators in electronic devices (including quartz clocks, watches, and radios).

Crystal healing practicioners believe that the inherent vibrational "tuning" of various crystals resonates with our bodies in various ways that can promote or speed healing, just as deep therapeutic massage, accupressure, and accupuncture are believed to have similar beneficial effects.Crystal healing practicioners suggest that specfic gems be placed on certain of the seven chakra points of the body during massage treatments and during meditation. It is often recommended that the specified gems be worn or carried between treatments, as well.

1. Gems & crystals believed to aid the Root Chakra (base of spine):

Agate, ametrine, black obsidian, black tourmaline, blood stone, carnelian, hematite, fire agate, garnet, ruby, nephrite, smoky quartz, onyx.Physical, spiritual association: Adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal. column, back, hips, legs, feet; stability security, grounding, courage.

2. Gems & crystals belived to aid the Svadhisthana Chakra (sacral or spleen):
Amber, carnelian, citrine, golden topaz, golden beryl, zircon.Physical, spiritual association: Genital area, reproductive organs, bladder, bowel and lower intestine; creativity, harmony, emotional balance, passion, sexuality.

3. Gems & crystals belived to aid the Manipura Chakra (solar plexus):
Amber, citrine, emerald, golden topaz, tiger-eye, malachite, peridotPhysical, spiritual association: Stomach, pancreas, liver; courage, personal power, strength, self worth, transformation.

4. Gems & crystals belived to aid the Anahata Chakra (chest):
Rose quartz, pink tourmaline, rubellite, rhodochrosite, emerald, green tourmaline, malachite, green aventurine, ruby, green jade, nephrite, chrysoprase, rhodonite.Physical, spiritual association: Heart, lungs, thymus gland; love, forgiveness, compassion.

5. Gems & crystals belived to aid the Vishuddha Chakra (throat):
Aquamarine, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, blue turquoise, lapis lazuli, iolite, zircon.Physical, spiritual association: Mouth, throat, thyroid; will power, creativity, communication, truthfulness.

6. Gems & crystals belived to aid the Ajna Chakra (third eye):
Amethyst, blue tourmaline, sapphire, lavender quartz, sodalite, iolite.Physical, spiritual association: Eyes, brain, pituitary, pineal gland, nervous system; balance, clarity, intuition, coordination.

7. Gems & crystals believed to aid the Sahasrara Chakra (crown):
Clear quartz, amethyst, diamond, moonstone, lavender quartz, white topaz.Physical, spiritual association: brain stem, pineal gland, top of spinal cord; spirutuality, life force.

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